Madison Chapter Communication
Email Groups Overview from Tom Sinclair
The Madison CCL chapter has TWO email lists (a.k.a. Google groups) that serve different purposes.
The first list is limited to chapter business, such as announcements of CCL meetings and letter-writing opportunities. The subject line of every message posted to the list begins with [CCL-Madison]. Every chapter member/supporter is on this list but only people conducting chapter business can post to it. The list is moderated to ensure that it is used properly and to keep the amount of email to a minimum.
So, is there a way for you to share other information with your fellow chapter members? Yes, indeed. That's what our Discussion Forum is for. It is open to all Madison-area CCLers, but subscriptions are optional, and you are added only at your request. (This way, nobody gets more email than s/he bargained for.) The subject line of every message posted to this list begins with [CCL Discussion]. Any subscriber can post a message to the Discussion Forum.
If you do not currently subscribe to the Discussion Forum but wish to be added, send me, Tom Sinclair, a request. You can unsubscribe at any time.
To comment on information received via either of our lists, please use the Discussion Forum by posting your message to [email protected].
Tom Sinclair
The first list is limited to chapter business, such as announcements of CCL meetings and letter-writing opportunities. The subject line of every message posted to the list begins with [CCL-Madison]. Every chapter member/supporter is on this list but only people conducting chapter business can post to it. The list is moderated to ensure that it is used properly and to keep the amount of email to a minimum.
So, is there a way for you to share other information with your fellow chapter members? Yes, indeed. That's what our Discussion Forum is for. It is open to all Madison-area CCLers, but subscriptions are optional, and you are added only at your request. (This way, nobody gets more email than s/he bargained for.) The subject line of every message posted to this list begins with [CCL Discussion]. Any subscriber can post a message to the Discussion Forum.
If you do not currently subscribe to the Discussion Forum but wish to be added, send me, Tom Sinclair, a request. You can unsubscribe at any time.
To comment on information received via either of our lists, please use the Discussion Forum by posting your message to [email protected].
Tom Sinclair
More detailed information for the 2 Madison CCL Google Groups below.
Citizens Climate Lobby-Madison Announcements and Chapter Business Google Group
All Madison Area CCL Members should be on this list. See the email archive here.
Members of this Google Group receive via email or can access online
Emails to this list are moderated by the group leaders. The email address for this Google Group is
[email protected]
Members may choose from the email options below and change their own email settings at any time - here - under the my settings menu on the upper right.
Summary of access follows
Members of this Google Group receive via email or can access online
- Madison Chapter meeting and events announcements
- Current events information with Letter To the Editor (LTE) suggestions and success celebrations
- Information and opportunities related to chapter teams and projects
Emails to this list are moderated by the group leaders. The email address for this Google Group is
[email protected]
Members may choose from the email options below and change their own email settings at any time - here - under the my settings menu on the upper right.
- Receive all emails - notify me for every new message
- Digest email - send combined updates up to 25 messages in one email
- Abridged email - send daily summaries
- No email - Don't send email updates (Members who choose this option may view the email posts to this Google Group here.)
Summary of access follows
- Anyone can view content.
- People have to be invited to join or are added to this group by the membership coordinator.
- Only managers can post to this list.
- Posts from new members are held for moderation.
- Only managers can view the list of members.
CCL Madison Discussion Forum
This discussion forum is intended to be the place where members can share ideas, news, and discuss climate related issues. Anyone who joins this email group can post to it. Please keep in mind in your postings that we want to work with people from all backgrounds and political parties from a place of respect. The email address for this google group is [email protected]
Members in this Google Group may choose from the email options below and change their own email settings at any time - here - under the my settings menu on the upper right.
Summary of access follows
New members receive an invitation to join this group in their welcome email from our membership coordinator.
Members in this Google Group may choose from the email options below and change their own email settings at any time - here - under the my settings menu on the upper right.
- Receive all emails - notify me for every new message
- Digest email - send combined updates up to 25 messages in one email
- Abridged email - send daily summaries
- No email - Don't send email updates (Members who choose this option can view the email posts to this Google Group here.)
Summary of access follows
- Only members can view content.
- People have to be invited to join.
- Only members can post.
- Only members can view the list of members.
New members receive an invitation to join this group in their welcome email from our membership coordinator.
You can find our Facebook page at this link Citizens' Climate Lobby Madison Facebook
Wisconsin CCL Outreach Support Site
Here is a link to a state outreach support site
CCL Community
When someone becomes a CCL Member they automatically receive a CCL Community account.