Volunteer Opportunities
There are many ways to participate and make a difference in Citizens' Climate Lobby at the local chapter, state, and national levels.
Please Visit New Volunteer Page on Community
Please Visit New Volunteer Page on Community
Actions Madison Area CCL Volunteers are taking
- Educating themselves about climate change and climate change solutions
- Attending monthly meetings for inspiration, connection, knowledge, skill development and collaboration with other members
- Sharing the things they are learning in conversations with family and friends
- Writing and or calling their members of congress about their concern and desire for action on climate change
- Publicizing Citizens Climate Lobby by handing out literature and tabling for CCL at community events and presentations
- Making presentations about climate change solutions and CCL
- Writing letters to the editor
- Attending town hall meetings held by our members of Congress
- Working with faith groups
- Helping with events
- Participating in lobby meetings
- Getting endorsements from community leaders, groups and businesses for action on climate change.
We have a Meetings Team to ensure that our hybrid chapter meetings go as smoothly as we can make them. We could use help with these roles. Each role has specific, finite tasks, for those of us who like to complete helpful tasks! If you can volunteer or for more information, contact Holly Jorgenson.
- Meetings Coordinator: Ensures all roles are filled before each meeting.
- Hardware Setup Backup: Could step in for Glen when he’s unavailable. In charge of setting up the computer and audio equipment.
- Hardware Setup Assistant: Works alongside the lead to do things like setting up microphones, etc.
- Zoom Host: Ensures things in Zoomland go well. This should NOT be the Hardware Setup Lead! Focus on how the meeting is going for those in Zoomland. Presenter not in the camera shot? Motion them to get in the shot, move closer, adjust mic, etc.
- Presenter Support: Supports presenters to do well during the meeting.
- Mic Runner: Stay with mic the entire meeting, ready to cross the room at any moment to capture the person speaking.
- Notetaker: Take minutes at the meeting, enter attendees into Action Tracker.
- Snack Wrangler: Snack layout and cleanup. 10 minutes at most before and after the meeting will do it.